1. Organová interpretácia
2. Improvizácia
a/ Suite française ex. Plein jeu - Duo - Trio - Tierce en Taille - Grand Jeu
b/ Úvod do kontrapunktu
c/ Rozvoj hudobnej reči v romantike
d/ Modálna reč, spojenie s gregoriánom
e/ Modes d’Olivier Messiaen
f/ Rozvoj vlastnej hudobnej reči, ako pracovat s poznanymi prostriedkami
g/ Organ & Cinema
3. Basso continuo
Umenie improvizácie
Spojenie slova a hudby v štylistickych prevedeniach.
Workshop pre klávesové nástroje & kompozíciu
1/ Úvod do kontrapunktu
2/ Schumann alebo Brahms ? (štylistické vysvetlenie rôznych romantikov)
3/ Maurice Ravel a jeho reč
4/ Olivier Messiaen a jeho Modi
5/ Ako rozvíjat vlastnú hudobnú reč
6/ Improvisation & Cinema 
1. Organ interpretation
2. Improvisation
a/ Suite française ex. Plein jeu - Duo - Trio - Tierce en Taille - Grand Jeu
b/ Introduction to counterpoint
c/ Development of musical language in romanticism
d/ Modal language, connection with Gregorian chant
e/ Modes d’Olivier Messiaen
f/ Development of one’s own musical language, how to work with known means
g/ Organ & Cinema
3. Basso continuo
The art of improvisation
Combining word and music in stylistic performances.
Workshop for keyboard instruments & composition
1/ Introduction to counterpoint
2/ Schumann or Brahms? (stylistic explanation of various romantics)
3/ Maurice Ravel and his language
4/ Olivier Messiaen and his Modes
5/ How to develop one’s own musical language
6/ Improvisation & Cinema
Monica Melcova received her first musical education at the age of five in her
hometown Spišská Nová Ves in Slovakia. After her studies at the Conservatoire in
Košice, she went on to study at the University for Music and Performing Arts in
Vienna with Michael Radulescu. In 1999, she graduated with the highest distinction
and the prize of honour by the Austrian Ministry of Culture and Education.
In the same year, she was accepted to the Conservatoire National Supérieur in Paris
for postgradual courses „cycle de perfectionnement“ with Olivier Latry and Michel
In 2002 she was appointed the organist in residence at the Sapporo Concert Hall
KITARA, Japan, where she taught master classes, performed in numerous organ
recitals at venues like Suntory Hall Tokyo, Metropolitan Art Space, Opera City Hall,
Minato Mirai Hall, Niigata Performing Center, Morioka Civic Hall etc.
From 2006 to 2011, she taught at the Gaston Litaize Conservatoire and was also the
titular organist at Saint Martin de Champs from 2003 to 2011. Since September
2008, she started teaching improvisation at the Music Academy MUSIKENE in San
In 2020 until 2022 she was appointed as visiting professor in Royal Danish Academy
of Music in Copenhagen.
Among other important personalities in organ music, she has been invited to be
a member of jury at one of several competitions as Grand Prix de Chartres, Martini
Organ Competition in Groningen, Jean-Louis Florentz International Competition,
Concours d’orgue Dudelange in Luxembourg, Haarlem Improvisation Competition
Monica collaborates regularly with Carlos Mena, Raphael Oleg, Nora Cismondi or
Ensemble Musica Aeterna